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Victory Over Cancer

Facing up to, and dealing with cancer is one of the biggest challenges that anyone can face; it affects everything – family, friends, work colleagues and how you live your life. It can be a very frightening time.

At Velindre we endeavour to support cancer patients and their families through this difficult period, and our specially trained and highly committed staff strive every day to make this time as comfortable as possible. We believe that every hour, every day, every month that someone survives cancer is a victory. Every pound that is raised will be used to help us in our battle to achieve the ultimate goal of Victory Over Cancer.

Patient centred care is at the heart of everything we do and believe in here at Velindre Cancer Centre; all money raised from our Victory over Cancer campaign will be used to ensure the best possible support is offered to every patient, their families and carers dealing with cancer. It will allow us to fund ground breaking research, specialist equipment, and new developments so our staff have access to the most up to date training and techniques available.

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25 January 2023

Young Ambassadors raise over £20,000 for Velindre Cancer Centre!

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26 September 2022

3 Canyons Bike Ride 2022

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31 August 2022


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Mae fersiwn Gymraeg y wefan hon wrthi'n cael ei hadeiladu ar hyn o bryd. Yn y cyfamser, os oes angen unrhyw gymorth neu gwybodaeth codi arian arnoch drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, cysylltwch â 029 2031 6211 neu e-bostiwchinfo@velindrefundraising.com

The welsh language version of this website is currently under construction. In the meantime, if you require any information or fundraising support through the medium of Welsh, please contact 029 2031 6211 or email info@velindrefundraising.com.