Jiffy’s Cancer 50 Challenge 2023

20 August 2023 - 20 August 2023 Cardiff to Swansea

When: Sunday 20 August 2023

Where: Cardiff to Swansea

Distance: 50, 32 and 10 miles

Registration fee: £50 for 50 and 32 mile options. £20 for 10 mile route.

Fundraising Target: £50

A message from Jonathan Davies:

“The 3rd Jiffy’s Cancer 50 Challenge is a fun bike ride that will take place on Sunday 20 August 2023. We have three distances for you to choose from and all I ask is that people raise a minimum of £50 in sponsorship, more if you can, that will be split equally between both charities.

Having raised nearly £180,000 in our first two years we have a number of changes for 2022.

Firstly we are starting at The Cardiff City Stadium and finishing at The Lighthouse, Bracelet Bay, Swansea.

Jonathan Davies (President of Velindre Cancer Charity)

By entering you pledge to raise a minimum of £50 sponsorship to be split equally between the two charities. After registering you will receive an email directing you to set up a Just Giving Page. The sponsorship is paid directly to the two charities.

20 August 2023 - 20 August 2023


Cardiff to Swansea


Mae fersiwn Gymraeg y wefan hon wrthi'n cael ei hadeiladu ar hyn o bryd. Yn y cyfamser, os oes angen unrhyw gymorth neu gwybodaeth codi arian arnoch drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, cysylltwch â 029 2031 6211 neu e-bostiwchinfo@velindrefundraising.com

The welsh language version of this website is currently under construction. In the meantime, if you require any information or fundraising support through the medium of Welsh, please contact 029 2031 6211 or email info@velindrefundraising.com.