WJEC Victory For Velindre Skills Challenge

01 September 2022 - 31 July 2023 Your School

In 2021, Velindre Charity worked with WJEC and Velindre Ambassador Lloyd Rowe to develop a skills challenge brief that specifically supported cancer patients and families in Wales.

The KS4 Enterprise and Employability Challenge Brief, named Victory For Velindre, asks students to research Velindre before creating a product or service that could be sold to raise funds for the Charity.

Now welcoming schools for September 2023!

To arrange a brief chat about the programme or to confirm your school’s involvement and receive our digital resource welcome pack, please call 029 2031 6211 or email Lucesca.Walters@wales.nhs.uk


01 September 2022 - 31 July 2023


Your School


Mae fersiwn Gymraeg y wefan hon wrthi'n cael ei hadeiladu ar hyn o bryd. Yn y cyfamser, os oes angen unrhyw gymorth neu gwybodaeth codi arian arnoch drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, cysylltwch รข 029 2031 6211 neu e-bostiwchinfo@velindrefundraising.com

The welsh language version of this website is currently under construction. In the meantime, if you require any information or fundraising support through the medium of Welsh, please contact 029 2031 6211 or email info@velindrefundraising.com.