Velindre Overseas Challenge Terms and Conditions.

Thank you so much for your interest in completing an Overseas Challenge for Velindre Cancer Centre, your support is hugely appreciated. We ask everyone who is involved in an event for us to be aware of, and to comply with the following terms and conditions: 

1. Entry Forms and Fees

a. All persons taking part in the Event (each a “Participant”) must be registered with Velindre Fundraising to take part in the Event.

b. Each Participant must complete and submit an entry form (“Entry Form”) whether participating as an individual or in a team.

c. Team entries must include the names and addresses of all team members as part of the registration process and a non-refundable deposit must be paid for each participant.

d. Velindre Fundraising is not responsible for technical, hardware or software failures of any kind, lost or unavailable network connections or failed, incomplete, garbled or delayed computer or internet transmissions or other errors or malfunctions of any kind that may affect your ability to register or make your deposit payment.

e. Entry to the Event is subject to the payment of the notified fee (and any applicable VAT) payable to Velindre Fundraising or the tour operator prior to participation in the Event (“Registration Fee”). 

f. I agree that I must complete the registration process with the event organisers in order to secure my place. I also agree that I must comply with all conditions of the Event as set out by the Event organiser \ Tour Operator. If the Event is cancelled or postponed, I understand that Velindre will attempt to transfer my place to the following year. However I acknowledge that this may not always be possible, and a that a place is not guaranteed.

2. Fundraising and Sponsorship

a. I agree that acceptance of my place in the Velindre Event confirms my commitment to raise as much money as possible over the minimum pledge target for Velindre by my participation in the Event.

b. All fundraising activity undertaken as part of the Event must be for the benefit of Velindre Fundraising only and Participants agree that all funds raised as a result of their participation in the Event shall be raised using legal methods and in compliance with the advice given to Participants by the Velindre Fundraising Team (“Event Information”). Event Information may be provided in any form including but not limited to pre-event correspondence, guidance given on the day of the Event and information contained on the Website (which may be updated from time to time) or in the Event registration pack.

c. Sponsor forms are available to participants upon request and a dedicated online fundraising site will be created exclusively for each overseas challenge. Participants should collect digital funds via this trusted platform called “Just Giving”.

d. All funds raised for Velindre’s work shall be held on trust by each Participant for Velindre Cancer Charity and paid to Velindre Cancer Charity as soon as reasonably possible. The minimum sponsorship required of each participant must be paid in full to Velindre Cancer Charity no later than twelve weeks prior to departure of the UK (“Event Date”). The full pledge can be made either by cash, cheque, CAF or via an online giving provider. If a participant is unable to fulfil their fundraising pledge by the agreed date, they must contact the Fundraising Team as soon as reasonably possible to discuss their options.

e. Failure to pay in the full sponsorship requirement by the advertised deadline date could result in the participant being withdrawn from the challenge with any outstanding costs being paid in full in accordance with 10e.

f. I agree that I will not bring Velindre’s name into disrepute and that I will fundraise responsibly and legally. If I have to pull out of the Event for any reason (including injury) I agree that I will submit all sponsorship raised by the agreed date to Velindre, subject to informing my donors that I am no longer participating in the Event and that they may, if they wish, have their sponsorship money returned to them. 

3.  Gift Aid

I understand that the Minimum Sponsorship target does not include gift aid and I agree that I will not claim Gift Aid or encourage my donors to claim Gift Aid as part of my fundraising for this event.

4.  Age of participants

a. I hereby confirm that I am 18 years of age or older.

b. Age restrictions will be set out in the Event Information and/or on the Registration Form.

5.  Health and Fitness

a. All Participants take part in the Event at their own risk.

b. Velindre Fundraising understands that Cancer patients are keen to support Velindre Fundraising and many are fit enough to take part in our Events, however, Participants who have any doubt about their health or have a medical condition that could be affected by exercise.

c. In relation to Bike/Trek challenges, any Participant who is over the age of 60 will require a letter from their Doctor stating that they are fit to undertake the challenge. The letter from their Doctor will form an element of the completion of the medical form which is issued by Velindre Fundraising.

d. For challenges that take place at high altitude, all participants regardless of age, will require a letter from their Doctor stating that they are fit to undertake the challenge. The letter from their Doctor will form an element of the completion of the medical form which is issued by Velindre Fundraising.

e. Velindre Fundraising shall not be under any obligation whatsoever to process, analyse or otherwise take any action on any medical information disclosed to it either during or after the registration process for an Event.

f. All Participants agree that, as far as they are aware, they are sufficiently fit and physically able to compete in the Event and, to the extent that it may be necessary, they have sought and relied upon any medical advice before the date of the Event. It is each Participant’s own responsibility to assess their fitness and to ensure that they participate only if sufficiently fit. Should any medical or physical condition arise prior to the Event which is likely to affect a Participant’s ability to compete in the Event, the Participant should withdraw from the Event.

g. Velindre Fundraising or the Tour Operator may prevent any Participant from taking part in the Event (either before, at the start of or during the Event) if Velindre Fundraising or any medical representative considers that a Participant should not participate in the Event for health and/or medical reasons. 

h. A completed medical form approved by the tour operator is an essential part of the registration process. Without a successful and approved medical form, the participant entry will be void and a refund of the deposit will be issued. In relation to funds raised, the terms set out in section 11d apply. In relation to any kit or equipment purchased by the Participant in connection to the challenge, the terms set out in section 10c apply.

i. Participants must not suffer from alcohol or drug dependency.

6.   Safety and Insurance

a. Velindre Fundraising shall take all reasonable steps to assess the safety and suitability of the Event location prior to the Event. Velindre Fundraising shall also arrange for the availability of an appropriate number of first aid and medical personnel according to the nature of the Event.

b. All Participants must ensure that any equipment or clothing used is in good condition and suitable for the Event.

c. All Participants acknowledge and agree that some Events can be considered dangerous activities, such as cycling on the highway and Treks at altitude. Whilst Velindre Fundraising shall take steps to ensure that all Events take place in a safe manner, Participants acknowledge and agree that because Events often take place in public spaces, Velindre Fundraising cannot be held liable for any damage caused outside of its direct control.

d. Velindre Fundraising does not provide any insurance, whether life or medical or liability, for any illness, accident, injury, death, loss or damage that may arise in connection with the attendance at and/or participation in the Event. Participants shall be responsible for arranging their own suitable and adequate insurance protection to cover their participation in the Event, including without limitation cover:  

  • or material loss/damage to any equipment they may use in the Event or personal property (including clothing);
  • any loss or damage they may cause to a third party;
  • sickness; or
  • negligence of any party.

e. Participants should gain insurance cover for the duration of their time abroad, not just for the specific challenge days. Participant insurance cover should include air evacuation and repatriation. Participants must ensure they inform the insurance company of any existing medical conditions as they may affect the level of cover or subsequent claim.

f. Any accident or injury caused by a Participant’s actions shall be the responsibility of that Participant.

g. Each Participant is responsible for his/her actions whilst attending or participating in the Event. This includes at the Event start point, during the Event and at the completion point. Velindre Fundraising accepts no responsibility for the actions of a Participant nor the consequences of such actions.

7.  Participation and Participant Numbers

a. For some Events, Participants will be allocated a time at which they can commence the Event. Each Participant agrees that this time cannot be changed unless Velindre Fundraising in its absolute discretion agrees to a change. Any permitted change will be made before or on the day of the Event and in accordance with the restrictions contained in the Event Information.

b. Velindre Fundraising reserve the right to reject at any time any Entry Form which is believed to be fraudulent or to disqualify any Participant who is ineligible to participate in the Event (or if participation in the Event should have been refused for any reason whatsoever); or who is believed to have not complied with these Terms and Conditions. Velindre Fundraising shall not be liable in any way to a Participant who is disqualified or whose entry is rejected in accordance with this paragraph 7(b).

8.  Cycle Events

a. All Participants in Events involving cycling (“Cycle Event”) must:

  • wear a cycle helmet at all times during the Cycle Event;
  • ensure that their bicycles are in a roadworthy condition;
  • observe the rules of the Highway Code;
  • obey the Rules of the Road (a copy of which is included with the   Participant Number sent to each Participant);
  • ensure that the bicycle that they use during the Event complies in all respects with all relevant and applicable legislation including, if all or part of the Cycle Event takes place after dark, being fitted with fully functioning and adequate front and rear lights;
  • not carry young children on their bike or carry children in a child seat, trailer or similar device; and
  • unless the Event Information states otherwise, must ride a two wheeled non-powered cycle in the Event.

b. Where a Cycle Event uses a bicycle drop off or return service offered by Velindre Fundraising under which bicycles are transported to the start or finish of the Cycle Event, the Participant acknowledges and agrees that their bicycle is transported entirely at the Participant’s risk and that neither Velindre Fundraising nor its contractors may be held liable for any accidental damage incurred during the transport or handling of any bicycle. Use of the bicycle drop off or return service will indicate acceptance of this exclusion of liability on the part of Velindre Fundraising and the carrier.

9. Liability

a. Subject to paragraph 9(b), neither Velindre Fundraising nor its agents or contractors shall be liable for:

  • any injury or accident causing loss or damage to a Participant or any third party where this is sustained as a result of a Participant taking part in the Event; or
  • any loss or damage sustained by a Participant as a result of the cancellation of the Event by Velindre Fundraising for any reason; any changes made to the Event by Velindre Fundraising for     safety or any other reasons; or any circumstances beyond the control of Velindre Fundraising.

b. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall limit or exclude Velindre Fundraising’s liability in respect of death or personal injury sustained as a direct result of:

  • the negligence, breach of statutory duty or fraudulent misrepresentation of Velindre Fundraising, its agents or contractors; or
  • a deliberate act or omission of Velindre Fundraising, its agents or contractors.

c. Subject to the terms of paragraph 12 below, Velindre Fundraising shall not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by a Participant as a result of: the cancellation of the Event by Velindre Fundraising for any reason; any changes made to the Event by Velindre Fundraising for safety reasons; or any circumstances beyond the control of Velindre Fundraising.

d. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall affect any statutory rights to which the Participant may be entitled as a consumer.

10.  Withdrawal and Refunds

a. All Registration Fees are non-refundable and may not be deferred toward a future Event or contribute to the minimum sponsorship pledge.

b. A Participant may transfer their registration to another individual for that year’s Event at the sole discretion of Velindre Fundraising by contacting the Velindre Fundraising events team. Any unapproved assignment, transfer or sale of a Participant’s registration may result in delay and/or difficulty in the event of an emergency and such transfer, assignment or sale may result in disqualification of the Participant from the Event.

c. No refund shall be given under any circumstances for purchases of travel tickets, T-shirts, hoodies or other merchandise save in accordance with the terms and conditions of purchase for items bought directly from Velindre Fundraising or statutory consumer law. 

d. If a participant withdraws prior to the advertised deadline date for withdrawals, the participant will be liable to pay any costs incurred to the Charity for their place by that point. An invoice for these costs will be issued to the participant and payment in full must be paid to the Charity within 30 days or by an alternative date mutually agreed in writing.

e. If a participant withdraws after the advertised deadline date for withdrawals, the participant will be liable to pay the full cost of their challenge place to the Charity. An invoice for these costs will be issued to the participant and payment in full must be paid to the Charity within 30 days or by an alternative date mutually agreed in writing.

f. In exceptional circumstances, participants are encouraged to actively communicate with the Velindre Fundraising team to discuss their options. In this event, each participant will be treated on a case by case basis and the Velindre Fundraising team will use their discretion to identify the most suitable and appropriate options.

g. In relation to any outstanding invoices or challenge fees, it will be at the discretion of the Charitable Funds Committee as to whether further action is pursued.

11. Cancellation and Changes to the Event

a. Velindre Fundraising reserves the right to alter the Event Date, the start time or other details of the Event as required. If changes to the Event are made, Velindre Fundraising shall update the Event Information on the Website and notify all Participants affected as soon as reasonably practicable.

b. If the participant is unable to attend the new Event Date, start time or the new destination is not suitable, Velindre Fundraising will offer the participant an alternative overseas challenge or their deposit to be refunded in full.

c. Velindre Fundraising will treat every participant on a case by case basis and will use their discretion to discuss a number of options suitable for that individual. Participants must contact Velindre Fundraising as soon as reasonably possible to inform them formally of their intentions to withdraw and discuss their options going forward.

d. In the event the participant wishes not to complete the offered challenge, they must communicate transparently with their donors to explain they are no longer taking part in a Velindre Overseas Challenge and must offer their donors the opportunity to claim a refund.

12.  Photographs and Publicity

a. Consent: Velindre Fundraising may request (i) a Participant be individually photographed, and/or (ii) a Participant be featured in Velindre Fundraising’s marketing campaign. In the event that Velindre Fundraising makes such a request it will seek the consent from the Participant.

b. The Participant may at its sole discretion choose to grant Velindre Fundraising  consent. It is not a condition of the Event that such consent is granted. Velindre Fundraising’s use of the Participant’s photograph and/or personal information contained in a marketing feature will be in accordance with Velindre Fundraising’s Privacy Policy ( ) (Website). 

c. All Participants acknowledge and agree that no payment will be made to any Participant for the use of any photographs, images or films in which they may feature.

13. Data Protection

a. Each Participant agrees that information provided to Velindre Fundraising in connection with Events is true and accurate in all respects and may be used by Velindre Fundraising in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

b. Velindre Fundraising will use the information provided by Participants to manage the Event and the Participant’s involvement in it. Velindre Fundraising will keep the Participant up to date with Velindre Fundraising activities or provide any other information in accordance with their stated preferences.

c. Each Participant will agree to provide emergency contact information when registering for an Event, in addition to writing this information on their paper Participant Number where supplied.

d. Velindre Fundraising reserve the right to pass all information provided by a Participant to any first aid organisation or medical provider attending and assisting at an Event (“Medical Provider”) for safety purposes. This is to enable the Medical Provider to:

  • administer first aid in the event that a Participant suffers illness or injury during the Event; and
  • to contact the friends or relatives of a Participant, where necessary.

e. Each Participant authorises any Medical Provider to administer first aid treatment or any medical treatment to the Participant or to transport the Participant in the event of any illness, accident or injury suffered by the Participant in connection with his/her participation in the Event.

f. Each Participant agrees that any Medical Provider may provide Velindre Fundraising with:

  • the names of any Participant that they treat during the Event together with details of the circumstances surrounding that treatment; and
  • the name of any Participant who notifies the Medical Provider that they are withdrawing from an Event due to ill health or otherwise. 

g.   An individual has the right to exercise their rights as a Data Subject under UK GDPR at any time. The Velindre Fundraising Privacy Policy contains all relevant information to enable a Data Subject to exercise their rights and is available on Velindre’s website:

14.  During the Event

a. All Participants must abide by all rules relating to the Event set out in the Event Information and any instructions given by Velindre Fundraising, their employees or agents before, during and after the Event. Failure to follow any such rules or instructions may result in Velindre Fundraising refusing to allow the Participant to continue in the Event. Participants must retire at once from the Event if ordered to do so for any reason by Velindre Fundraising, their employees or agents, any member of the Event’s official staff, medical staff or any government authority.

b. No illegal substances, performance enhancing substances or intoxicants of any kind are permitted to be brought to the Event venue or used by Participants either before or during participation in the Event. Velindre Fundraising reserve the right to refuse attendance at, or participation in, the Event by any Participant found to have consumed or to have in their possession any illegal substances, performance enhancing substances or intoxicants of any kind.

15. Completion Times

Certain Velindre Fundraising  Events, and in particular Velindre Fundraising  endurance Events, may require Participants to reach certain points in the Event by specific times or require the Event to be completed in its entirety by a set time. If a Participant does not manage to keep up with any stage or completion time, Velindre Fundraising  reserves the right to refuse to allow the Participant to continue in the Event. If the Event has staging or completion times, these will be set out in the Event Information. 

16. Fundraising Regulator

Velindre Fundraising complies with the Codes of conduct and practices prescribed by the Fundraising Regulator. Participants must comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the Event and must only use lawful means to fundraise for Velindre and must not bring Velindre’s name into disrepute.

17. Velindre logos

Participants must use official Velindre In Aid Of, and specific challenge event logos on all my promotional materials in accordance with the brand guidelines issued by Velindre Fundraising.

18. Velindre University Health NHS Trust’s Reputation

Participants must not do anything that may damage Velindre’s reputation or name. Participants will agree that, in the event that Velindre reasonably believes that their  participation in the Event may damage Velindre’s name or reputation, that they will withdraw from the Event immediately. Any participants displaying any anti-social behaviour towards participants, volunteers, staff, or members of the public will be asked to leave the event immediately.

19.  Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions

a. By registering to participate in the Event, a Participant agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

b. If any provisions in these Terms and Conditions, whether in full or in part, is held to be invalid or unenforceable, all other remaining provisions (in full or in part) shall continue to be valid and enforceable.

c. Velindre Fundraising may vary these Terms and Conditions from time to time and the up to date terms shall be available on the Website.

d. These Terms and Conditions and any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with them is governed by and construed in accordance with English and Welsh law. The English and Welsh courts have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that may arise out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions. 

Mae fersiwn Gymraeg y wefan hon wrthi'n cael ei hadeiladu ar hyn o bryd. Yn y cyfamser, os oes angen unrhyw gymorth neu gwybodaeth codi arian arnoch drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, cysylltwch â 029 2031 6211 neu

The welsh language version of this website is currently under construction. In the meantime, if you require any information or fundraising support through the medium of Welsh, please contact 029 2031 6211 or email